10 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health!

I want to get real with you this week. Mental health impacts our daily lives. It plays a role in our relationships, choices, and physical health. When one area of our lives is out of balance everything else suffers. The feeling of being out of sorts or not feeling like one’s self can cause long…

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Motivation

Motivation requires action. It doesn’t happen without it. We often feel like we need motivation before we take action, but it is our results that keep us moving forward. Being disciplined enough to show up even when we don’t feel like it is what separates successful people from people who experience less than desirable results….

5 Habits to Help You Kick Fear to the Curb

President Franklin D. Roosevelt is known for saying, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  The anticipation of an irrational fear can hold you back from taking that next step in your business, stepping on stage as a keynote speaker, or proposing to the love of your life. The phrase, “What if…”…

5 Ways to Thrive in Life

Humans are funny creatures. The more I work with them, the more I am amazed at how complex our thought processes are.  No two humans are alike. We each have unique fingerprints and filters we use to define success and failure. Failure is a concept that can hold us hostage if we are unable to…

3 Ways to Leverage Your Network to Grow Your Business

Over the past decade, I have worked with hundreds of business owners and I have discovered  that they all share a common struggle. Finding customers who want or need their products or services. Whether they are growing a brick and mortar or online business, the challenge is the same. Peter Drucker said, “The aim of…